The Lift Extras module adds some convenience classes to help with interfacing between your Scala snippet code and your JavaScript code.

In my last post the code used to initialize the JavaScript code from within the snippet looked like this (minus the knockout binding call):

val onload: JsCmd =

Elsewhere, there’s a call to a function on the JavaScript class:

Call("window.koExample.textInput", Str(""))

There are a couple of things that bother me about this. window.koExample is referenced in multiple places. The SetExp call is similar for all JavaScript classes.

JsClass and KoClass aim to help with those things. They provide a way to encapsulate some of the details of your JavaScript code and functions for calling functions on your JavaScript code. Using JsClass would change the above code to:

val jsClass = JsClass("App.views.knockout.KnockoutExampleCls", "window.koExample")

val onload: JsCmd = jsClass.init(

And, where you need to call a function on your JavaScript class use:"textInput", Str(""))

There is a also a knockout.js version, KoClass, that adds the ko binding call to the init function. The above example would look like this:

val koClass = KoClass("App.views.knockout.KnockoutExampleCls", "window.koExample", "knockout-example-cls")

val onload: JsCmd = koClass.init(

Similar classes also exist for the module versions of the above: JsModule and KoModule